Grilled Mediterranean Veggies

This is a Mrs Sambar recipe. It’s simple but it tastes amazing. It was a collaboration because I stoked the grill. That is pretty much all I did, but hey, I can take credit for some things.

Recipe :

2 Tbsp Zataar (available at most middle eastern stores)

3-4 Tbsp Olive Oil

1 Tbsp Garlic Salt

Veggies of choice (we used 2 bell peppers, 1/2 sweet onion, 3 zucchini medium, 2 summer squash, 3 tomatoes on the vine)

Method :

Mix the seasoning mix together, toss the veggies in the seasoning mix to coat.

Grill on high heat, throw it on for a couple of minutes turning and moving around to rotate veggies through the hotspots. Thats it!

Happy Cooking and Happy Eating!

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