Grilled Kofta Kebab

Yet another Mrs Sambar recipe. I did do the grilling but I’ve been told that does not count for recipe credit.

I may express my feelings through interpretive dance. Well, onwards and upwards, to the recipe!

Recipe :

1/4 sweet onion

1 in ginger

1 tbsp minced garlic

1 cup Flat Leaf Parsley bunch stems removed

1 lb Ground Beef (80/20)

1 lb Ground Lamb

1 Tbsp Cinnamon

1 Tbsp Ground cumin

1 Tbsp Paprika

1.5 tsp Green cardamom crushed

1 Tbsp Coriander

3 tsp Salt

1 tsp Black pepper ground

Method :

Blend the first 4 ingredients in a blender

Add to the meat and mix it all together

Next add the spices to the meat mixture

Shape into kebab-style ovals (6 in length)

Throw it on the grill on high heat and move it around to ensure some crusty bits and cooked all the way through (use a meat thermometer to confirm 145f).

Mrs Sambar apparently believes brevity is the better part of valor…

Happy Cooking and Happy Eating..

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