Simple Delicious Sautéed Mushrooms

I’ve searched for a simple sautéed mushroom recipe for so long, always ending up with a soggy, chewy mess. Recently I found some advice on the internets that revolutionized my recipe. The secret, grasshopper is in the fire (pronounced fiyaaaaah).

The key as in all things is a bit more oomph from the fire. Precisely the opposite of onions, the best way to sautee mushrooms is on high heat, this gives a nice browned exterior while preserving some of the mushrooms structure. This high heat also helps to sear off any moisture that renders out from the mushroom so that the end result is not a soggy chewy mess.

As far as the wine to use with this recipe, feel free to sub out whatever you have on hand. I’d suggest a milder wine (white or clear) with meatier mushrooms and a stronger (red) for white mushrooms to balance the natural flavors (or lack thereof).


1 box of Mushrooms sliced (I like to cut off the base of the stems, they are a little too tough). You can use any mushroom really but I’ve tested this with both white and brown (baby bella) mushrooms.

0.5-1 Tbsp Butter (adjust to your preference)

Salt & Pepper to season

2 Cloves minced garlic

1 – 2 Tbsp Wine (White, Red, Shaoxing, whatever you have on hand)

1 Tsp Soy Sauce

Parsley (flat leaf) chopped (1-2 Tbsp or to taste)

Method :

High or medium high heat (helps to toast, better texture)
Toast in oil and throw in a knob of butter (I did two tablespoons) and toss to coat, dont leave it too long or the butter will burn!
Season with pepper and salt
Sautee it down and open a hole in the middle
Add in a couple cloves of minced garlic in the center and sautee until fragrant.
Mix in the garlic and then, add white wine or other flavoring
Cook off the alcohol (ok Mr Ragusea, it doesnt cook off, just keep sauteeing).
Then open some space in the middle again, add some soy sauce and toast then incorporate
Add in some chopped parsley at the end (for color and flavor).
Taste and adjust

Let me know if you have any modifications to suggest!

Happy Cooking and Happy Eating :).

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