Sourdough Scones

Yes, another sourdough recipe. It’s a thing with us. Quick recap : Sourdough has to be fed weekly (ish), so we use up sourdough in various recipes. Sourdough can be used as the main “flour” component or as a flavoring (just a little sourdough is used up, to impart flavor). Sourdough helps particularly with sweet baked goods to take the edge off the sweetness.

OK, now on to scones. They are an absolutely gorgeous crunchy, soft treat. Addition of fruits on the top of the scones will caramelize the sugar and add a great contrast in texture and flavor.

Also this recipe is just enough for 4 scones. We like making just enough for a breakfast and a half, not too many left overs.

Enough pontificating, on to the recipe 🙂


100g Sourdough Starter (active or discard, discard preferred as this is a flavoring)

70g AP flour

32g raw sugar

1 large egg

42g (3 tbsp) cold cold butter grated or cut with a fork

70g heavy cream

1 tbsp baking powder

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp salt


Step 0 : Preheat the oven to 425

Start by measuring the flour into a bowl. Then add the salt, baking powder and sugar and stir to combine.

Then grate the butter into the bowl and stir the butter every so often to coat the bits of butter with flour and create a sort of floury pebbles.

In a spouted jug (I used a measuring jug), combine the wet ingredients – sourdough, cream, vanilla extract and egg. Whisk till combined.

Now pour the liquid ingredients into the dry while mixing it with a fork. Combine all the ingredients into a shaggy mess, but dont overmix (leave the butter chunks a little chunky). Add flour to make sure the dough ball comes together (shouldnt need much, just a couple of rounds of sprinkles). I personally dont recommend pulling it out to a counter to mix by hand, because that will heat up the dough and incorporate the butter, which we want to avoid.

I stuck the bowl in the freezer for about 10 minutes just to cool the mixture down a bit. Then get some parchment paper on a baking tray and transfer the cooled mixture on to the parchment paper in 4 chunks and squish it down to just about an inch or so thick.

At this point, stick fruits into the mixture at the top and sprinkle with some granulated sugar. Bake for between 15-25 minutes taking it out when color and texture are good (stuck a toothpick in).

We usually serve these unvarnished with a bit of tart (yogurt).

Happy munching!

Updates (Aug 1) : I doubled the recipe this week, didn’t add any extra flour and it turned out very watery. HOWEVER, it turns out the family loved this. When I poured it out (literally poured it!) on to a parchment paper, it resulted in a thin (but spongy) 1/4 inch thick, about the thickness of a thick cookie. It was a crowd favorite because it was crunchy on the outside but spongy on the inside. Next time, I think we’ll keep it watery so that we can get that same thickness!

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